Laura Ķeniņš is an artist and writer living in Toronto, Canada.
Her books Steam Clean and Alien Beings (a 2017 Doug Wright Award nominee) have been published by kuš! comics and Retrofit Comics. Her short work has been published in kuš! comics, Kuti Magazine Truthout, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Coast, Matrix Magazine and other publications and exhibited in locations across Europe and Canada.

Contact Laura by email.


Atlantic Books Today, "Steam Clean: The Sauna is the Host and Guide to Complex Identity & National Narrative," Miia Suokonautio
Broken Frontier, "Steam Clean: Tensions Rise in Ķeniņš' Multiple Character Study from Retrofit Comics," Andy Oliver
Geeks Out, "CAKE 2017: Queer Alternative Comics on Display," Gavin Rehfeldt
High Low Comics, "Mini-Kus! of the Week #14: T.Lehikoinen, E.Ostergren, L.Kenins," Rob Clough(Alien Beings review)
Autostraddle, "Laura Ķeniņš' She Wants to Tell Me Is Soft, Subtle and Full of Melancholy," Mey Rude
Comics Beat, "Reviews: Three Mini Comics That Deserve Your Attention Today," John Seven (Alien Beings review)
Panel Patter, Rob Kirby (Alien Beings review)
Just Indie Comics (Alien Beings review)
Broken Frontier (Alien Beings review)